Nothing Can Stand Against Us


Hey Everyone!

I hope this encourages you in your week, and that God moves within you as you read and pray.

This has been on my heart for the past little while and I totally believe that new revelations of God are going to come into your life, that you are going to have an overflow of his love and the amazing power he has.

Romans 8:31 – “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

This to me is such a powerful verse, it captures the very essence of who God is, a strong and all loving father. Balancing my schooling, church, social life, sports, family and a relationship, I find spending even 5 minutes with God, whether in prayer, worship, or in his word so uplifting and energizing. Being in the presence of a father who gives me strength in my most stressful, busy days is the best feeling ever, knowing he is there with me and has gone before me to clear the way before I even get there. So going back to Romans 8:31 “who can be against us?” well I believe nothing can stand against us, knowing who my father is, my God, who is bigger than all my enemies, what could actually stand against God? The answer, nothing. Not even death can stand against Gods power.  With this in mind, I feel so encouraged and empowered to go about my day knowing I live for a God who goes before me, watches over me, walks with me, and protects me in all I do.

God, I thank you for your faithfulness, I thank you that in our weakest hour you are there, comforting and filling us with your all-consuming peace. I thank you God for your almighty power that nothing can stand against, I thank you that in you we have that power in us, God help us to be strong in you, help us to step out in faith and trust that you have made a way for us, help us to always look to you in our time of need. God, I pray for anyone who is in need of you right now, that you would uplift them, that you would be for them and that they would find strength in you Father. Thank you for the everlasting love that you have given to us so freely even though we don’t deserve it. God, you are so good. Thank you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Have an amazing week! Encourage someone, spend an hour with a friend, complement a stranger, laugh heaps, stay positive, and spread the love that God so willingly gave you!

Lots of Love,



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